Life is moving FAST
Hello everyone :D I've been meaning to update my website for a while now, just haven't found the opportunity to... Until now!Quickly about my life
Yayayay I graduated! I got 1.7 total grade (in Germany this is considered pretty good) so I am happy :) What matters is that I passed my final exams and my documents are on their way to my place (they technically already got delivered via email, but there's a paper version being shipped, and also there will be a show diploma during the graduation ceremony in the summer...)I am currently in the process of looking for a job right now, and it's not easy :D In the meantime I am part of a team with some acquaintances / friends, working on a game demo. If we succeed at making the demo, maybe finding a job won't be necessary, as then I would just be employed as a freelancer by my friend :D But we will see.
But yeah, there's also a big move coming up once I find a job - I plan to move to Vilnius, and live apart from my parents and sibling :D I just miss my independent adult life so much!!!
The recipe segment of the blog (because ofc)
While I was busy with life, I also tried out a couple recipes :3 Here's some of them:- Caramelized apple cheesecake (LT) - this one was so yummy! Mom loved it especially. I didn't have enough apples, so I also added a couple kiwis. They fit in there great, added extra tanginess.
- "Panna cotta" with kefir (LT) - it's not real panna cotta, but a much lighter and less sweet version of it. I should have added a bit more sugar, as I increased the kefir to 1 liter instead of 800 ml. And probably would have tasted better if I made it with fresh strawberries as the recipe suggests, I used frozen raspberries and apple. Still was yummy, airy and tangy!
- Lithuanian cheesecake / cheese casserole with semolina (LT) -
ok so this one was... fun :D Mainly because of how I modified the recipe. The recipe asks for 500 g quark, I had 1.5 kg... Ended up
using it all after my dad insisting that I should. If you don't realise yet, this tripled the recipe. I didn't fully triple the recipe
(I didn't add 12 eggs, just 9 or 10), along with other adjustments (adding extra flour cus I ran out of semolina, adding baking
powder, adding some salt).
Basically, what ended up happening was that I now had so much of the quark dough, and I still needed to fold in the whipped egg whites... Soooooooo I divided the dough into 2 huge bowls :D And it still was super hard to fold in the eggwhites! Felt like doing a workout :D And then I had to figure out what to bake it in... (ended up choosing a dutch oven without the lid)
But hey, at least at the end, the whole family loved it, and dad said it was the perfect cheese casserole :)
I also got a car, and have been learning how to drive again :) I can say that's going quite well, I drove to Druskininkai and to Vilnius with no issues.
Sorry I don't have a lot of stuff to share in terms of personal projects! Been too busy looking for jobs, working on the pro bono project, doing life, and when neither of those two - crocheting.
Maybe my next blog posts will be a bit more frequent, now that I am slightly less agitated with life :3 Maybe I will start talking about stuff I find cool, not just my life and my baking?? Who knows...
Bye :3 thanks for reading!
- Rita